Cemetery Regulations
The Parish Pastoral Council and the Graveyard Committees have published the amended and agreed version of Article 29, Paragraph 2 of the Dunhill and Fenor Cemetery Regulations in relation to new grave allocation in the parish. The amended and agreed version is as follows:
- New graves will be offered to all current residents in the geographical area of Dunhill and Fenor.
- New graves will be offered to all who were born here and lived here for a minimum of eight years.
- New graves will be offered to spouses / partners of those in number 2.
- Children of those in number 2 may only be buried in an existing grave.
- The holder of the right to burial may allow anyone else to be buried in their grave.
- Other situations not covered by the above may be referred for a decision to the Council which will
treat each case with compassion.
N.B: The Council referred to at number 6 above consists of:
- The Chairperson of the Pastoral Council
- The Chairperson of the relevant Graveyard Committee
- A second member of the relevant Graveyard Committee
- The Priest or Administrator of the Parish.
Their decision will be final.
Graves in our cemeteries cannot be pre-purchased, but will be made available as the need arises.
In the event of a bereavement in a family, contact should be first made to a funeral director who, in turn,
will ensure that the relevant priest and relevant cemetery personnel are contacted.