Introducing the Parish of Dunhill & Fenor
Welcome to our parish. The parish of Dunhill and Fenor is situated in the southeast of Ireland in the diocese of Waterford and Lismore, about 15 km southwest of Waterford city. Of course, if you are a parishioner, you already know where we are. However, you could be an American in Paris who just happened upon this web site and, naturally, you might wonder where our parish is situated.

In case you might try to find us using your satellite navigation system, we have given the latitude and longitude of each church. So now there’s no excuse for not knowing where we are!
Dunhill: 52º 10′ 20″N, 07º 15′ 45″W. Decimal: Latitude 52.1722 Longitude: -7.2625
Fenor:  52º 09′ 42″N, 07º 13′ 34″W. Decimal: Latitude 52.1616 Longitude: -7.2261
Of course, our parish is not simply a collection of buildings or a geographical area – it is a community of Christian people that strives to love God and neighbour. The purpose of this web site is to assist them in their spiritual journey and to help them to join in the life of the parish by providing information about parish life, services, and resources. We are led in our journey by the parish administrator.
We hope that you will enjoy your visit and come back again soon and often. Newcomers to the parish are especially welcome and should find plenty here to interest and inform them, while those who are living or travelling abroad may keep themselves up to date. Most of all, we hope that our faithful parishioners of long standing will be pleasantly surprised by what they find in this, their very own web site.