Reisk Church 1 side

Reisk Church

The name Reisk may be spelled with or without a final “e”. In this website it is always spelled without the final “e” except in the article opposite.

More photos of Reisk church may be seen in the article Reisk Church (2) which is a more comprehensive article.

[ Unfortunately, at our visit to the Reisk churchyard in October 2010 we were unable to find the bullán mentioned in the article. ]

Parish Calendar side

The Parish Calendar

The parish calendar is distributed to parishioners at the beginning of each year. It’s very useful for looking up the date of Ash Wednesday, the telephone number of the Parish Office, and so on.
Of course, whenever you want to use the calendar it goes into hiding. Now, however, it will always be available on this web page.

The picture on the front of the calendar, shown opposite, is of Christ Pantokrator, from a mosaic in the apse of the Cathedral-Basilica of Cefalù (Italian: Duomo di Cefalù), a Roman Catholic church in Cefalù, Sicily, Italy. The name Pantokrator is a Greek name for God and is usually translated as “Almighty”. In his left hand Christ carries the Gospel of John, in which can be read, “I am the light of the world, who follows me will not wander in the darkness but will have the light of life” (John, 8:12).