Monthly Archives: January 2017
Parish Newsletters
Parish Newsletters
Keeping up to date

The parish newsletters fulfil four important functions. First, they provide you with up-to-date times of Masses and other services in Dunhill and Fenor for the coming week. Second, they provide information about recent events that have taken place in the parish or are scheduled to take place in the near future. Third, they let you know how much money was contributed in the weekly collection. Fourth, they provide an opportunity to learn more about Church teaching. The notices are handed to people as they leave the churches after Saturday and Sunday Masses.
There is a piece of a newsletter above. It’s not meant to be read here as the print is too small and hazy (deliberately so), but you can make it big enough to read, if you really want to, by zooming in (hold down the Ctrl key and press the + key a few times). If you want to see the full notices for any week, you can get them by clicking on one of the blue dates in the top left corner.
“Read all about it …”

On the other side of the notes page is a spiritual reading provided by the Society of St. Paul. This society was founded in Italy in 1914 by Fr. Giacomo Alberione. Their mission is to spread the Christian message using modern technology. Two pieces from a typical reading are shown here. The Society of St. Paul calls it a Parish Newsletter but it’s not – unless you put some parish news on the other side, as we do. We have not provided these spiritual readings for downloading.
Also on their page is a list of the scripture readings for the day so that, if you wish, you may look up the readings in your home bible when you have the time. You will find the Society’s logo in the bottom left corner of each of their pages. Here it is again.
Newsletter File Format
The newsletters are now available for viewing and for downloading in PDF format only. They are no longer available in Microsoft Word format. Software such as Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader for reading PDF files is available gratis on the internet whereas not everyone has Microsoft Word. So we have dispensed with the Word format. If this causes difficulty for you, please contact the communications team using the Parish Administration Contactspage.